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褐木- 5月7日, 2015年,ebet真人娱乐厅140名学生将在本周六的春季毕业典礼上毕业, May 9, 早上10点开始.m. 在布朗伍德体育馆.

Dr. Bill Ellis, 大学校长, 其他学校代表将授予本科生和研究生学位. Dr. 罗尼·马里奥特,87年, 大庙第一浸信会主任牧师及中大校董会成员, 会把费用交给毕业生吗.

其他项目参与者包括:Corey Ash ' 92, associate professor of music and director of bands; Jane Collette ’81, president of the HPU Alumni Association; Dr. 加里·格拉姆林81届, director of the graduate program in youth ministry and professor of Christian studies; Rev. Morgan Malone, executive director of Denton Baptist Association; Lillian Murselle McMillan, candidate for graduation; Dr. Kevin Mitchell, pastor of First Baptist Church of Pecos; Dr. Justin D. 墨菲是人文学院院长、历史学教授和盖伊. 纽曼荣誉学院; Dr. Lois Patton, director of the graduate program in business administration and professor of business administration; Dr. Leslie Plagens, dean of the 商学院 and professor of business administration; Dr. Joe Robinson, director of the instructional leadership graduate program and professor of education; Dr. Michael Rosato, dean of the 教育学院 and professor of education; Carter Sharpe, first vice chairman of the Board of Trustees; Dr. W. Mark Tew, provost; Lana Wagner ’97, registrar; Dr. Julie Welker ’94, faculty president, professor of communication and chair of the Department of Communication Studies; Dr. Russell Wheelington, associate professor of Christian studies; and the HPU Instrumental Ensemble.

毕业典礼将在星期五举行, May 8, by Chime Out, 这是哈佛大学的一项传统,即将毕业的高年级学生将常青藤传递给低年级学生, 象征着权力的逝去, 责任和特权留给那些留在校园里继承大学传统的学生. 下午6点开始报时.m. 在大学的J. 霍华德·霍奇纪念钟楼.

